Friday 25 September 2009

The eve of a new beginning

One wonders what God was feeling the night before the great work of creation began or before deciding to intervene in our world in human form or even before coming to earth as wind and fire?
Knowing you are about to do something can be exciting or fearful or even a mixture of both. Despite the planning you may have done in the end are you really in control of the outcome, its success or failure.
Gazing out of my study at the clear night sky lit by twinkling stars million, billions of miles away I wonder what tomoorow will truly bring.
As a church we turn the page of history to begin a new chapter. What will be written, how the pages will fill up and how it will end none of us know.
For me, there is both excitement and fear - very real questions about success or failure.
But I turn to God for support, wisdom, guidance and energy... watch how the story unfolds or even become a part of it.

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