Saturday, 3 October 2009

Week One

Well, the first week draws to its close. We are in good heart and greatly encouraged by the support shown to us by so many friends last weekend for the ~Induction Service. It was wonderful to see smiling faces filling the whole sanctuary for this special day.
Even more heartening was the sight of new and returning folk in the pews for our 'Christmas' celebration on 'Back to Church Sunday'
Throughout the week support has been encouraging too for our Simply Prayer and Seeing Jesus sessions both in church and in the Manse. Finishing the week with four young people tucking into Pizza was a real blessing on which to draw the week to a close.
We've also committed ourselves in Church Meeting to new mission, vision and value statements which puts us on a firm course for the future.
Of course, important though it is, the life of the church is just one aspect of my role as I grapple too with studies at Spurgeon's which have begun well and for which I have an assignment already drafted and two more underway.
So, the new chapter begins both for me and the church and the opening pages are full of expectation and promise...

1 comment:

  1. Hullo, Seyan, Sorry I missed your Induction Service and fabulous feast, due to "the lergy". All week I've tried to access Pastor's Blog from Walmer Church website, but found nothing. Did something different tonight, and there you were! Glad you are enjoying the night-sky. Going by the times on your blogs, I gather you are keeping your normal sleep-patterns? Ros J
