Friday, 9 October 2009

Week Two

It's raining! Having abandoned the idea of cycling to the library to return a copy of the Qur'an and to buy Pizza from the supermarket for the teenagers tonight. I've ordered Dial-a-Pizza and now with some unscheduled free moments I can blog for a while.

College has passed off this week without any major traumas although I did bravely confess toi our reflection group that 'Chapel' was not working for me. Too much guitar stumming singing about how much 'I love Jesus' several times over! Oh, for some quite reflective time or a song or two to remind me of what God is seeking to do for me.

Anyway, thanks to the efficiency of the Church Manager at Bloomsbury service recordings have arrived on disc that I can submit as Assignments 1 and 2 for the Worship & Preaching module. With my dictionary entry on Thomas - Assignment 1 for Introduction to the Bible - done too that's three boxes ticked for this semester already.

I've submitted my timetable for the week to the placement co-ordinator. She's funny - sending a reply 'keep an eye on your day off' - clearly she doesn't know me. I've told her 'day off' is not a description I understand.

We've had our Baptist cluster fraternal today - this needs some work to encourage greater cohesion but my colleagues talk of a willingness to try and work at it. Walmer is going to host the larger Network Fraternal in December.

Harvest looms at the weekend and I'm holiding an 'Open House' tomorrow afternoon so folk can come and see the Manse after its make-over. We're also decorating the church in the morning. The start of our 'landmine' display is very impressive thanks to one member's inginuity.

Although it is still raining I need to go and set up my Wii for tonight so the blogging stops for now!

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