Wednesday, 21 March 2012

God is in control

I have to admit that I don't usually read The Sun newspaper. However, this week as I travelled to college I encountered a copy left by another passenger. The headline affirmed 'God is in control'.
As my college journey nears its end with a few essays left still to write it is good to be reminded of who it is who has been guiding the process.
This too is true of church life where clearlyGod is control.
I have met with both my field placement tutor and supervisor and reflected upon the way in which God is blessing both my ministry and the church. The Deacons have met with my supervisor and completed my final apraisal form.
It was good to spend time with my support group at Bloomsbury sharing highs and lows of both college and church life.
College is now over until after Easter. Holy Week and Easter services loom and need to be finalised.
I look at the next three weeks when I shall be busy, busy, busy at church and cling to the essential truth that 'God is in control'.

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