Monday 23 May 2011

I don't believe it!

It can't be true! Tomorrow is the last day of lectures for the second year of this process. Next week is revision week when the last assignments need to get to college by Friday. After that 1 exam and four days of specialist training on Conflict Management and RE in schools and that will be it. (Of course there remains the summer project of the PMP folder but from here on in the pressure is off until October.
I don't believe it!

Looking back over the last couple of weeks since my last update there is little to report beyond the usual. Walmer life continues in the same vain, everyone in good heart and blessed by the gorgeous summer weather.

We have marked two special Sundays, one recognising the work of Christian Aid, the other the work of the London City Mission. We've begun to watch 'The History of Christianity' series in our Manse homegroups and held another successful table-top sale which attracted many new and familiar faces into the building.

Kids Kingdom, our Parent & Toddler group flourishes with 24 tots 'running riot' last week!

With sadness we will be remembering an elderly member who died recently at a memorial service this week. This will be the first such remembrance of my pastorate.

On a practical note, the new loo is installed and operational at the front of church which is already proving to be useful. Our architect hopes to have draft plans for us for the kitchen very soon. All very exciting!

Details of the arrangements for Thailand are emerging from BMS Headquarters. It sounds as if our trip will be busy, demanding and challenging and - I hope - fun. More of this later.

So as I prepare to upload this to the web I return to my initial thought...I can't believe it - but it's true.

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