Monday 21 March 2011

It's Spring

It's official, the sun is shining, the daffodils are gently swaying in the breeze and today is the first day of spring. British Summer Time begins next weekend so it will be a short season but as ever it promises to be a busy one.

Arthur's Tuesday Bible Studies are proving a popular addition to our weekly schedule and our 'new' Lent discussions - 'Confident Discipleship' were well supported as they began last week.
The Deacons meet this week and they have called a Special Church Meeting for Thursday evening to discuss the future ministry (whether or not to seek Settlement with me post September 2012!). We round off the week, before adjusting our clocks, with a Soup & Roll lunch on Friday supporting the work of of Christian Aid.

Last week was busy, as ever although the college days were quieter as we participated in Reflection Week with guidance from Rt Rev Nick Baines - Bishop of Croydon - on Tuesday.
The Deacons met with my Supervisor to complete the Annual Review document for the college, we had a photoshoot with the local paper to promote our Soup Lunch, the 'new' Lent Discussions began and on Saturday the hall was filled with stallholders and bargain hunters for our Table Top Sale. The bacon butties sold out fast and by the end of the morning we'd raised almost £170.

Sunday worship on a mild spring morning attracted a number of visitors - attendance exceeded 50 with a blended mix of young (inc one baby) and old. It would be great to continue like this as the (hopefully!) better weather arrives after the dark, grey days of winter. It's Spring after all!

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