Friday 22 January 2010

Twiddling my thumbs - not!

I've been spending time updating friends in other ways. With Bloomsbury's magazine due out soon and with a letter to supporter's well overdue I have been in reflective mode looking back over the last few weeks and months and recalling the highs and lows of both college and church life. I won't repeat the detail here but suffice to say on balance all is positive and the new year promises much.

That said, its raining today which is not so great. Best made plans to spend the day out in the community, chatting in the village, delivering posters to neighbouring churches, and popping into school are on hold unless the rain eases.

Sunday's sermon is written, the powerpoint is ready, all college assignments are in and even the Manse is in fairly good order so I'm at a loss to know what to do.

The reality is of course that I've already found one thing to do and I'm doing it now -updating my blog and I'm sure that once I hit the 'publish' button I will start on a fresh task. News of that and more will this space!

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