Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Semester end looms...

Ok, so Christmas happened, and although it already seems a distant memory it needs to be recalled. Having hoped for snow, which never came, the week before Christmas saw time spent decorating the church for the season - battery operated (health and safety compliant) candles flickered and our alternative Christmas Tree reminded us that a story beginning with a baby in a manger leads to a man dying on a cross and more...

Our all-age Nativity saw everyone get involved in re-telling the familiar story despite the wise men's enthusiasm to get to journey's end without following the star on the 'long' journey around the church!
Traditional readings from the King James Version of the Bible (acknowledging its 400th year) were well by a group of new readers at our Carol Service. The families kept coming and coming for our Family Carols on Christmas Eve which filled the church and was a great encouragement. Christmas Day saw another full church of young and old.

Between the holiday weekends there was time to write an assignment - a further achieved in the first week of the new year!

The pressure is on to write 3000 words on my specialist subject - The Simpsons - D'oh, why did I opt for Cultural Hermeneutics?

We are preparing for a busy church year and our AGM is in three weeks time when we will reflect on our finances and our life together in the past year, dreaming dreams together for 2012 and seeking to discern God's will and plans.

The Vicar comes to preach this Sunday as part of Christian Unity Week and we anticipate Ruth Gouldbourne's visit on Education Sunday in a few week's time.

With the deadlines looming for the end of the penultimate semester, the pressure is on but updates will come here even if regular readers may need to prompt me.